Sunday, October 2, 2016

Can you Solve this Problem?

1 + 4  =  5
2 + 5 = 12
3 + 6 = 21
8 + 11 = ?

Procedural Fluency & Conceptual Understanding

Interesting article on the importance of fluency and conceptual understanding of math.
Both go hand in hand for learning math, science, and language
through the process of "chunking."  

Written by a professor of engineering who failed K-12 math, started a career in languages, 
and then  at age 26, began learning math and science!

The mind processes math in the visual areas even for blind people!

Monday, September 5, 2016


If you think about it, your brain has to grow 
to keep up with the rest of your growing!  
Growing Your Mind!

But more than that, 
when you try to learn new things
you create connections 
between synapses between all the 
branching ends of the cells in your brain.

Like a plant, always growing roots 
by creating more rootlets!

For as long as you live and keep learning!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

JUNO Mission to Jupiter!

NASA's JUNO satellite is now orbiting JUPITER!

Soon you can vote for sites of interest on our largest planet JUPITER that you'd like JUNO to photograph!